Weight Loss
"Improved Metabolism: I had heard of this in the infrared saunas, but was very pleasantly surprised to see it was actually true. I had personally noticed fat loss and increased energy from our Far North Wellness infrared sauna as well as sleeping better. I decided to run functional medicine testing to confirm this and found my basic metabolic rate had actually increased. "
- Dr. Mike Nowazek-President Alberta Naturopathic Practioners (2000-2007)

Weight Loss and Far Infrared Sauna Therapy
Sweating away those calories, slimming that waist line and helping with weight loss has never been easier than relaxing in a Enlighten Far Infrared Sauna! Not only will you be increasing your metabolism but you will also be detoxifying your body of toxic chemicals and substances such as lead, zinc, sodium fluoride, Arsenic, cadmium, nickel and mercury that have been absorbed, inhaled or ingested into your body. While you are relaxing in a Enlighten Far Infrared Sauna, the heat generated is being absorbed deep into the body. There is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate while using a Enlighten far infrared sauna. Because our body expends energy to produce sweat (1g sweat requires 0.586 kcal), this means that your body can safely burn up to 300 to 500 calories in just one 30 minute session; with sweat loss equivalent to running 10-15km. As an added benefit, your basal metabolic rate rises meaning you will burn calories at an elevated rate for hours after your session has finished. This can translate to a benefit of up to 800 calories from a single session. With all that said, engaging in 30 minutes of exercise at least 3-5 times per week and eating a well-balanced diet is still part of a healthy lifestyle and should not be solely replaced by using a Far Infrared Sauna for weight loss.

Another point to be stressed is that many people who are not physically active, nor do they eat the most healthy diet, will need more time to sweat in the sauna. Our ability to sweat actually measures our level of health. An individual with an optimal healthy body will start sweating significantly after 5 minutes inside of sauna. That is because the pores are unclogged, body's systems are clear, metabolism kicks in quicker and therefore it reacts to the heat almost instantaneously. That being said, if you find yourself struggling to sweat and takes you longer time, increase a consumption of a detoxifying foods such as green leaves (kale, spinach…the darker the better), celery and so called “trinity roots" (garlic, onion, ginger). These vegetables are detoxifying and cleansing, as well as nourishing. Your water intake should also increase to minimal of 1/3 of your entire body weight. A person who weighs 130 lbs should drink 43 oz of water per day. Please note: this is a normal water intake for a healthy person. When you use infrared sauna you should consider increasing to a higher amount of water to compensate for the loss of fluids during a sauna session. Spring water or distilled water are recommended. Tap water (since it contains high amounts of heavy metals such as sodium fluoride, chloride, etc.) should NEVER be consumed!

These vegetables are detoxifying and cleansing, as well as nourishing. Your water intake should also increase to minimal of 1/3 of your entire body weight. A person who weighs 130 lbs should drink 43 oz of water per day. Please note: this is a normal water intake for a healthy person. When you use infrared sauna you should consider increasing to a higher amount of water to compensate for the loss of fluids during a sauna session. Spring water or distilled water are recommended. Tap water (since it contains high amounts of heavy metals such as sodium fluoride, chloride, etc.) should NEVER be consumed!

If you combine these remedies with Infrared Sauna Heat, you will see how quickly your body starts to respond with an increased sweating and faster toxic/fat elimination. (Note: Always discuss with your physician before starting any change in your diet regiment and/or use of infrared sauna.)

Our body expends energy to produce sweat (1g sweat requires 0.586 kcal) meaning your body can safely burn up to 300 calories in just one 30-minute session; with sweat loss equivalent to running 10-15km. While this weight can be regained through re-hydration, the calories burned will not. A Enlighten infrared sauna treatment can also help to raise your basal metabolic rate meaning you will burn calories at an elevated rate for hours after your session has finished. This can translate to a benefit of up to 800 calories from a single session. At 42 degrees Celsius, body fat becomes water soluble and the body can sweat out fats, toxins, and heavy metals such as lead, zinc, nickel, sodium fluoride, cadmium, mercury, etc.

It can also lead to weight loss through:
- Effectively reducing heavy metals which have been directly related to metabolic imbalances in the body causing poor digestion and weight gain.
- It decreases fat stored (lipophilic) toxins. Often weight loss cannot be accomplished unless these toxins are first removed.

This benefit was recognized in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association as long ago as August 1981: "Many of us who run do so to place a demand on our cardiovascular system, not to build big leg muscles. Regular use of a Sauna imparts a similar stress on the cardiovascular system, and its regular use may be as effective, a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories, as regular exercise."
Rachel Frederickson won The Biggest Loser, but her gaunt look and dramatic 155-lb. weight loss is sparking controversy.In the new issue of In Touch, an insider reveals to the mag that Rachel frequented an infrared sauna, which heats the body using infrared radiation to burn calories and boost metabolism.